The Wall That Heals, a traveling replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, was the inspiration for creating ‘This Is Their Time.’ Vogel and Anderson wanted to write something anthemic and uplifting to help tell the story of that memorial and the names etched in it. Releasing a brand new song on Veteran’s Day is their way of honoring the immeasurable sacrifices of the men and women who have served in the military throughout our country’s history, as well as those who continue to serve today. The duo is excited to have the song featured in an upcoming PBS special produced by our friend Tim Stevens, which will air early next year.
“Having the opportunity to research and learn more about the Vietnam War itself and the thousands of soldiers who served and gave their lives was eye-opening,” Anderson recalls. “It’s a definite honor to be able to shine a light on those heroes and offer it up a musical tribute to, in a small way, say ‘thank you.”
You can stream “This is Their Time” here.
General information about Mark Vogel and Barry Anderson can be obtained at their respective websites. Follow @markvogelmusic and @barryanderson on Instagram for their latest updates.