Hooranky Bae, famed South Korean artist, sold NFT digital art for $5,050,050. Hooranky and the Korean marketplace are a possible Sleeping Giant for global NFT Market.
The auction was hosted on the innovative auction site NFT Blue and with strategic support by the South Korean blockchain media group AMF GLOBAL USA, which helped reach Hooranky’s art collectors in many countries. NFT Blue is not the typical NFT marketplace, but hosts exclusive NFT digital asset auctions for high-level super rare projects, focusing on building customized artist and collector communities built around exclusive auctions worldwide. Buyers are given choices on where they want their NFT delivered to them, rather than holding on to a buyer’s NFT as many centralized marketplaces do. Non Fungible Tokens (“NFT’s”) are created by minting digital art and digital collectibles with cutting-edge blockchain technologies creating unique digital assets, which help to verify a piece of history, or artwork, is indeed authentic and rare.