The Wallpaper is a platform connecting artists with a worldwide audience, using cellphone wallpapers to create amazing and unique art experiences. We’re turning the cellphone into a digital art gallery you take with you everywhere.
People check their phone an average of 344 times a day. Usually, we’re just wasting time sifting through push notifications or getting caught in the endless scroll.
But what if you could turn these moments into a chance to share your life with the best digital art being made today?
We launched The Wallpaper to give creators and art lovers a way to revolutionize the smartphone experience by reimagining the way we connect through digital art.
It was created by Radim Kacer, a digital artist looking for a way to unite everyday experiences with incredible creations. Today, there is an ocean of great art being made, and we are looking at screens all the time — and that’s an opportunity.
With The Wallpaper’s constantly expanding collection, users can explore and discover new artists all the time. And creators now have unlimited access to a brand new, global audience — all for free.
Find your next cellphone background and join the new wave of digital art publishing for the masses.
For Users
You can choose from any cellphone wallpaper aesthetic you are looking for at The Wallpaper. And with so many artists uploading new work all the time, the options are nearly limitless.
We bring you HD phone backgrounds created by leading digital artists who create pieces optimized for the screen you already look at all day. We have creators working in a diverse range of genres and styles, including everything from anime cellphone wallpapers to fine art designs.
With The Wallpaper, you get to see stunning artwork by today’s leading digital creators every time you check your phone.
For Artists
The Wallpaper is an incredible opportunity for digital artists to promote themselves. It allows you to put your art directly in the hands of people around the world, getting a massive amount of exposure. And it doesn’t cost you anything.
On our platform, you upload your wallpaper designs and gather them into albums that people can download anytime. Then sit back, because The Wallpaper will publish and promote your work for free.
Your albums become a great way to generate buzz and build an audience. You can create links in your albums for people to donate and become your patron, and you can even link to your artwork for sale on NFT marketplaces and your website or social media accounts. It’s a no-cost way to boost your profile and get your work out there.
For Everyone
The Wallpaper is the new go-to destination for mobile backgrounds and lock screen graphics. Because we publish and promote the work of creators for free, we’re the best place to build your career as a digital artist. And if you are an art lover looking for something special, The Wallpaper brings it directly to you.
We’re turning the smartphone into the canvas of the future. Come join us.